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From Eneyo’s moral diary

  1. If you want to actualize your dreams in life, you must be careful with the way you conduct yourself, especially now that you are young. Know that the decision you make today can affect your life for live. If you abuse your youthful age, you may spend the rest of your life in regret.
  2. When you meet a man for a date, don’t be in a hurry to tell him all your past. It is not every man that is mature enough to ignore your wrongs. So be careful with the people you tell the story of your life.
  3. Make sure you don’t lie to your man. It is better to keep mute than open your mouth to lie. Some people believe that a person who lies too much is prone to stealing. Lies telling will kill the marriage intention he might have had for you.
  4. When you sit with him for a talk, make sure you pay attention to what he says. It’s not a good time to make calls or to chat with friends. Doing so is a sign of disrespect for him, and not every man will bear with you.
  5. If he is talking to you and you excuse him to answer a call, don’t do it more than once. Don’t give him the impression that you are not the type that will concentrate with him.
  6. When you pick your friend’s call while with a man, don’t spend so much time to gist with the friend. It’s not a good thing for a man to stay so long in wait of you, especially when the discussion is not the one with a productive result.
  7. When in the midst of people that are not your friends, be calculative with what you say. Already there’s a negative impression people have about women who don’t control their tongue.
  8. Always remember that in any of the gatherings you are in, you may have a man looking at you with admiration. If you conduct yourself in the manner that is good, you may likely end up becoming his wife.
  9. When you go out to drink with friends. Don’t sit down and finish plenty of bottles of beer or whiskey at the go. While it’s not a sin for a woman to drink alcohol, taking too much outside is uncultured to be done by a lady. You should know that there are some things that are normal to men; if done by a woman it becomes a disgrace.
  10. If a man invites you to his house, don’t begin to negotiate what he will give to you before you go. Present yourself as a responsible lady and not as a “runs girl”. All these are the perimeters most men use in choosing a wife.
  11. If you have a man whom you love, never visit him with a girl you take as a friend. If you do, anything you see don’t complain. There are certain things you shouldn’t wait to be told before you know.
  12. Even if it is the first time you visit his house, if he gives you food to eat ensure you wash the plate. Many men will not withstand a woman who ate and allowed a man to wash the plate.
  13. In case you visit him when he is cooking, don’t sit and cross your legs and press your phone. Go in and collect from him and cook. Such an attitude will make him see you as a lady to be taken for a wife.
  14. If he doesn’t call you when you expected his call, don’t quickly conclude that he is with a girl. Be patient until you hear from him. Sometimes man’s challenges are beyond explanation that can be understood by a girl. Don’t forget, it’s when there’s money that love is sweet.
  15. Never use your girlfriend’s phone to call your man. Even if you delete the number after the call, how about your man who is still with the number? Learn to apply wisdom in anything you do.
  16. Don’t constantly discuss with your girlfriends how nice your man is to you. Especially if they don’t have men who are kind to them. They may begin to hate you just for that. If they have their way they will tarnish your image before the man. All is to make sure you become like them.
  17. Anytime you have a misunderstanding with your man, don’t be fast to bring your girlfriend to beg on your behalf. Calm down and apologize to him, if he truly loves you, he will forgive your wrongs. Some friends are destroyers of what is good.
  18. No matter how much you love your girlfriend, when you tell her the story of your life reserve some parts. Women don’t keep secret when they are angry. They will expose everything without reserve.
  19. No matter how poor you may claim to be, from time to time surprise your man with a gift. It’s not a taboo for a woman to give something to her man. Birthdate gift is not only for a woman, it is also for a man.
  20. If a man is in a serious relationship with you, don’t keep rejecting incoming calls while you are with him. Pick and excuse the person that you are with your friend. That will make the man feel that there’s nothing secret in-between you and the caller.
  21. If you want to settle down with a man. Reduce the number of girlfriends you keep. The majority of friends are not sincere, if they have their way they will scatter your relationship.
  22. If you want a man to trust you to the last, intentionally hand over your unlocked phone for him to hold while you assist him to clean the house. Give him like an hour or two. The thought of settling down with you will enkindle in his heart. Because such a demonstration of trust can only be done by a lady who is sincere with her man.
  23. I am not saying you cannot flash your man for him to call, but it should not be a routine. From time to time ensure you call. It’s irritating to be flashing a man who has been sending airtime to your phone for calls.
  24. When you sit with a man for a talk, bring discussions on things that will make both of you grow as partners, not to be telling him how powerful you can be in bed. Don’t forget that when you leave the bed there should be food to eat.
  25. Don’t make the mistake of using your beauty as a bargaining power to control a man. Instead of spending your money for make-up to look attractive to men; use it and establish yourself. Men these days need women that have what to contribute, and not the ones who only specialize in nails fixing and painting of face.
  26. If you want a responsible man to seek your hand in marriage, stop digging holes round your ears and nose and drawing tattoos all over your body. Doing so will actually attract some men. But their intention would be just to have their share and find their way. Because no responsible man will marry a woman with many holes and tattoos on her body.
  27. If you are not ready to have a child, you must be careful the way you play with your man. You should always remember that you only have the right to be pregnant, but the right to abort the pregnancy is not in your hands.
  28. If he stays in his family compound and you go to his house, you must be moderate in the way you dress and talk. Don’t forget that family compound is like a panel of judges. They are there to assess every girl that visits their son. If you are not careful they will stop their son from settling down with you. Most of them need a perfect wife even when they are not.
  29. If you want to enjoy peace as a wife, watch carefully the man you want to marry. If he talks too much about what he can do, caution yourself. For a man’s strength is to be seen in action and not in his speech.
  30. In your assessment of a man, don’t judge him on what he has at the moment. Engage him in discussion to know his stuff. Don’t forget that a man with positive ideas and education can utilize opportunity if it comes.
  31. Be interested in knowing the sources of the wealth of the man you want to marry. Don’t be carried away by his wealth. Some wealth is a deadly trap to girls that are greedy. Don’t make yourself a sacrificial lamb in their cult.
  32. If you are in a relationship with a man. Don’t take all your problems and that of your family upon his head. Such an attitude will make the man run away from you. This is not to say that he should not assist in caring for your needs. But making it a duty is not the best.
  33. While in a relationship continue to pray. Some relationships are just to teach you some lessons of life. When you see that you have gotten enough of the lessons without some positive results from the man, separate from him. Not because you started with him, you must end with him.
  34. While praying for a husband ensure you be on alert. The real husband may not wear a suit or drive in a car. Most times things don’t appear in the manner we expect. So don’t base your judgment only on the little you see.
  35. Any man that approaches you ensures you listen to him. Don’t be arrogant with a man no matter his class. He may be approaching you for his brother who is rich. Many ladies have missed their opportunities because of this.
  36. Sometimes you may think that rough girls are the ones who are lucky to marry more than those who are sincere. This may be true, but sometimes it is not. Some of them use charms to trap their men. When the charms fade, then you will understand that it is not all that are glitter that are gold.

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