No one owns it all for himself; we are shareholders to each person’s wealth.
My wealth is not fully mine; it belongs to all of us. We all are beneficiaries of the gifts from nature. Nature has offered us more than what we can explain.
The plants, animals, birds, and fishes; are amongst the gifts we derive from nature. The air, water, and the earth are part of the gifts that nature offers us.
No man can boast of anything in the name of wealth, unless the source is rooted in nature.
For human beings to continue to benefit from the benevolence of nature, she must ensure she pays back to nature part of the things she gains from nature.
No one has ever achieved anything on her own without the contributions from nature. This is one of the reasons we must learn to be humbled, knowing that without nature we can only boast of nothing.
As humans, we ought to learn from nature. It gives without bothering about the race, tribe, language, or color of the person. It gives because it is natural that it shares what it owns without discrimination.
Those who learn from nature will understand that we need to share what we have with the people in need of our assistance.
We must keep reminding ourselves that we are the custodians of the gifts from nature. Nature entrusted the wealth to our care, with the hope that we would be good custodians of the gifts from her.
She wants us to use the wealth for the good of all; the tribe or language notwithstanding.
Life makes meaning when we share the little we have with others. Which is why we should make almsgiving our culture.
A true wealth is that which quenches not only our hunger, but that which also quenches the hunger of others.
Always remember that wealth comes from the interconnectedness of three sources of influence: nature, our personal efforts, and the contributions of others. These three sources must be acknowledged and respected. They are mutually important for the acquisition of wealth.
Just as the above are the sources of our wealth, they ought to also be the sources through which our wealth is spent.
Our wealth ought to be shared into three. Part of our wealth should be used for the sustenance of the earth. Some parts ought to be used to take care of ourselves, and some must be spent on others especially on those who are looking for our help.
How can we give back to nature from the abundance we derived from her? We give back to nature through planting, afforestation, protection and preservation of forest.
We can as well give back to nature by sustaining the ecosystem and aquatic environment.
We can also do that by protecting wildlife and by managing waste littering the environment.
These are amongst the ways we can pay back to nature for the benefits we have gotten from her.
Every individual plays an important role in the strife for wealth acquisition. The efforts we make to achieve our goals are part of the contributions we must acknowledge and appreciate.
Learn to appreciate yourself in any little achievement you make. You should know how to love yourself by eating well and appearing good.
Don’t expect another person to love you more than how you love yourself.
The greatest investment is to invest in yourself. There is nothing more important than your health. That is why you must ensure you take care of yourself.
Never have yourself starved because you want to execute a project. While serving money for a project, ensure you eat well and make yourself happy.
It is unethical to be stingy with yourself. Don’t forget that a person who is stingy with himself cannot be kind to others.
Even if everybody should hate you, at least you should ensure you love yourself.
Knowing that you can never achieve your goal without the contributions of others, you must learn to share part of your wealth with people around; especially those who cannot provide those essential needs of their life for themselves.
Almsgiving is one of the secret keys to success. Those who give are always ahead of the receivers, because wealth is multiplied when you share with others.
For those who cannot pray; they should try almsgiving. It is like a master key that unlocks the door of success. Those who give are the richest people on earth; the achievements of the people they helped, are an extension of their wealth.
But what exactly do we really want to achieve in life? For how long are we going to remain on earth?
Most times, people toil to acquire some wealth, and when they think of resting to enjoy the wealth, they hear the knock of death on their doors. What exactly is the meaning of life?
When I sit down to admire my wealth, I realize that a day is coming when I will breathe my last. At that time all my wealth will mean nothing to me. It would be those who didn’t suffer for it that will squander them all.
That is why it is good to share your wealth with others while you are alive.
Every human being is an extension of you. If you limit your wealth to yourself, it means you have limited your expansion. It is when you give that your wealth is multiplied. This formula will make you enjoy your life to the fullest.
Our time on earth is short. We should spend it doing good for the interest of all people. The little time that is left for us, should be spent in loving and not to hate.
Our wealth is not truly our own. We are custodians and not the owner in the true sense of wealth, because it was not only our efforts that gave us the wealth. We got them from the three sources to wealth acquisition we have mentioned above.
For this reason, we must ensure that the three sources are considered in the distribution of our wealth. This is the only way we can enjoy our wealth to the fullest.
Michael Eneyo

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