(From Eneyo’s moral diary)
- If your husband comes back from an outing and meets you gisting with your friend, excuse your friend and welcome your husband into the house. Attention to your husband should be more important than any gist with a friend. Your husband should not be compromised with a friend.
2. Even if you have a housemaid in the house. Don’t allow your housemaid to prepare the food and serve your husband. It was you who married and not your maid. There are certain things that should be done by a wife and not by a maid.
3. If you have a friend that when she comes to your house, she will gossip your housemaid to you and shout at her. or the little things your children do she will report to you. Know that she is a kind of friend who doesn’t want you to be at peace in your house. Many of such female friends have worse children than yours. So don’t allow them to come and control your house.
4. Don’t report every misunderstanding with your husband to your pastor in the church. You will talk as if your husband is a devil and your pastor is a saint. If you should know the attitude of some pastors with their wives at home, you will appreciate the fact that your husband is good.
5. If your husband tells you not to go for a particular church program, listen to him. Don’t make the mistake of obeying your pastor more than your husband in the house.
6. Look at your husband and know what she likes. If she wants you to wear bom short, wear for him. Who knows if that is keeping him away from home.
7. While in the inner room with your husband stop behaving like a saint. It is a room meant to be enjoyed. So you must be in charge of the game and display your skills. Those good memories are good for a man. If not, he may look for such a lovely experience outside the home.
8. The pattern of calling your pastor daddy and calling your husband by his house name should stop. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have respect for your pastor in the church. But never place a pastor higher than your husband at home. He ought to be your first Daddy before the one in the church.
9. Learn to call your husband sweet names and play with him. Don’t be so official with him in the house. From time to time sit with him to gist and laugh. All of these are needed in marriage.
10. Don’t allow yourself to be known as a nagging woman in the compound you live in. That does not mean you should not express your anger when an occasion warrants. But if you make it as a hobby you will destroy the marriage. Not every man will tolerate a woman that nags.
- Even if your husband offends you, don’t place a curse on him. If the curse should work, it will affect you and the children as well. Because your husband is the head of all of you. If he is cursed, then the family is cursed. So don’t take part in destroying your home.
12. Don’t be fast in reporting your husband to your family when you have an issue with him. It’s so bad to give a room for your parents and relatives to know the secret of your house. How many of them report their husbands to you? Their own problems may be more than yours. But they silently handle it without a report.
13. In front of people respect your husband. Even if he errs, cover his mess. Don’t forget that a wife whose husband is humiliated can never be honored in the assembly of the wise. If you want to be honored, you must honor your man.
- Don’t give your parents, family members, or your friend the opportunity to insult your husband no matter the issue. Such an attitude is to bring problems to your marriage. No matter how they will settle it, the wound will not be healed in his heart.
- If you want to have peace of mind, stay away from his phone. There are many things you may see on his phone that will shock your mind. Some of those things might be true and some are not. That is why it is better not to see so that you can have your peace.
- Never stay with your friends to gossip about your husband. Whether he is good at bed or not keeps to yourself. Because if you tell your friends the secret of your home, you will become a topic for discussion in the assembly of women who are gossips.
- Always appreciate your husband for the little he has done. It’s not easy to carry the responsibilities of the home upon his head. Most of the time, he cries in mind, but when he stays with the kids he will laugh. Just to conceal the stress he is passing through from them.
- From time to time encourage your husband to visit his parents along with you. Don’t limit your love to him and the children alone. Remember without his parents he wouldn’t have existed to be a husband to you. Doing this will attract a reward to you.
- On a good day take your husband out and buy him drinks and some plates of pepper soup. Tell him that you appreciate his love for you. It is just a secret to get more from him. Some women who do this have gotten good results.
- If you know how to dress yourself ensure you dress your husband to look good as well. Don’t appear like a Queen and you allow your husband to walk like a driver. Even some drivers appear in their suits. How much more a man that you bear his name.
- If your husband stays late into the night without a message to you. If he comes back, give him water to bathe and food to eat. When he is relaxed in the bed go close to him with a touch on his chest. That is the right time you can ask the reason why he came back very late to the house.
- If you suspect him with another woman outside your house. Never go to fight with them in public, wait at home. Learn to control your temper over some things. Else you will die and leave your children, while your husband and the lover will continue in their love.
- If you don’t want your mind to be corrupt, avoid spending your time in a hair salon. If you have your way, let the dresser come to your house. All this is to avoid problems that will involve your name. Because when the time comes, they will say you were there.
- If you are a married woman be mindful of what you do. Stop going to be massaged by a man. Don’t tell me you know yourself. It will be difficult to control when you are high.
- Physical fitness exercise is good for the body. But those centers have become places for women to meet with men. If you respect your marriage be careful while you are there. Gym centers have destroyed some homes.
- Don’t quarrel with your husband in front of your child. If there’s any misunderstanding, go to the room and close the door. It is a bad thing to let the children know that you’re not at peace. This also can affect the phycology of a child.
- Don’t report your husband to your children. Don’t make them know that you’re the one providing everything in the house, even if it is true. A good wife must always cover her husband when he lacks. This is what other good women are passing through in their homes.
- If your husband does what is wrong, and your friend comes to tell you that if she was the one she would not agree. Make sure you disassociate from her. Don’t be surprised that her husband may be doing the worst and she doesn’t react. Her plan is to see you leaving your home.
- There’s nothing wrong with your female friends coming to your house. But if you notice your husband starts enjoying being in the sitting room with you while your friend is there. You must be at alert before they give themselves some signs.
- Don’t discourage your husband from helping his friends. Men’s pattern of life is not like women. If a man falls there should be men that should assist, because tomorrow may be his turn.
- Don’t make the mistake of collecting something from a native doctor, afa, or pastor to prepare for your husband in the name of boosting his erection without his knowledge. No matter how harmless they claim the thing would be, don’t give him without his knowledge. Some of them may want to kill your husband in order to control his wealth.
- If someone comes to tell you “I have seen your husband with a girl, come and see”, give the person strict warning and send her away. That is one of the ways to stop gossip from women who cannot sit in their houses
- It is not completely bad to join a women’s meeting if you desire. But avoid the competition of dressing going on amongst the members of the group. If you follow some of those women you will go astray. Some of them have men outside who supply their needs.
- Don’t struggle for a position in an association of women. Don’t also join the ones which meetings will continue into the night. Most of those women are the ones controlling their husbands at home. If you want to be like them you will end your marriage.
- In all this, try to be at peace. There’s nothing as sweet as home that there is love.