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1. Always remind them that the main function of a lawyer is to stand for justice and to defend the truth.

2. Tell them that their vocality in the court ought to be to speak for the voiceless in the society and not only to protect the rich. Anything short of that is an aberration from the standard that is expected from a lawyer who is sincere.

3. Advise them that before they go to the court of man to defend a case, they should first take the case to the court of conscience. It is in the court of conscience they will know if the position of their defense in the case is just. 

4. Tell them that the court of conscience is the only court where the conscience is a lawyer,  the plaintiff, the defendant and the judge. And that the judgment given in the court of conscience would be unbiased. Which is the reason they should use the verdict from the court of conscience as a guide  in the court of man. 

5. You should make them aware that in the court of conscience, justice is not for sale. That is why they should always allow their conscience to be their judge.

6. Warn them never to be party to those who victimize the poor. You should tell them never to refuse to give justice to the widow that cries to them. Advise them not to deny an orphan a sincere judgement in the cases they involved. They should not do that  just because  they were hired by someone who is rich. Such acts negate the oath of attorney of which they sworn to be fair to all. 

7. Tell them that it’s not every case they must defend in court. One of such cases is defending an accused who had knowingly shed human blood. Especially the blood of a person who was innocent of the crime.  Else, when the innocent blood speaks; it will mention their names. 

8. Inform them that there’s something special about human blood. Anyone who sheds human blood unlawfully will pay for it. Even the person who stands to defend the culprit in the court; will never be exempted   from the curse. That is why you must warn them not to get involved. Because there’s more to being a lawyer than winning a case in the court.

9. Educate them to know that the victory of the unjust in the court is condemnation before the Lord. Advise them not to be the reason for the victory of the unjust in the cases they appear. Make them understand that the primary purpose of a lawyer is to defend the truth, and not necessarily to make money for appearing in court.

10. Tell them that even if they can secure victory to their clients in the court because of their knowledge of the law, they shouldn’t take part in defending the wrongs. Else, they become part of the reasons why evil is prevailing in the land. That is one of the things they must avoid in their careers.

11. Instruct them to be careful with the kind of murder cases they defend.  They should know that the blood of the innocent will surely avenge their death. They must know that the judge and the lawyers will pay for the role they play: I mean the role of giving victory to sinners over the just.

12. Inform them that the court of law is where justice is supposed to be guaranteed. It is not a place where justice is sold. Advise them not to defend their clients based on the amount of money that is involved. Doing so is to undermine the integrity of the court.

13. Thrasymachus ones defined justice as the opinion of those in power. This was because of the insincerity of the judges of his time. This is why you should tell them that it is their duty to change the definition of justice as defined above. Because justice in the court is supposed to be the opinion of the conscience of the law. 

14. Educate them on what you mean by conscience of the law. Let them know that the conscience of the law ought to be a conscience of the truth.  It’s in the court of conscience that the truth is found. That is why they should visit there before they appear in the court of man.

15. Take all the children who are lawyers in the family into your room.  Instruct them not to leak the information given to them by their clients to lawyers of the opponent no matter the reason. Because such an act is tantamount to the killing of their clients. Involving in such an act can take their lives.

16. Don’t fail to tell them never to connive with the judge against their clients. They should know that their clients had paid them to do the job, and they should be contented with the amount of money they agreed for the job. That is the way a good lawyer should act, and not to sell their victory because they want to make some money from the case.

17. Tell them that a good lawyer is not the one who wishes to handle every case that comes to him. They should know that a good lawyer is he who knows how to analyze the content of the case. The ones with no justice he allows to go. But those with perceived positive outcomes; he clings to them. Instruct them to go for the case that will help them to enthrone justice in the land. 

18. Tell them the secret to becoming a celebrated lawyer amongst their colleagues. They should know that good cases always have the poor as the plaintiff and not the rich. Because it is very rare for the poor to forfeit the property of the rich or shift the boundary of the land of a man who is strong. Such an act is always done by the rich to the poor. 

19. Disclose to them that this is why the poor, widow, orphan, and the least privileged are always the plaintiff in most of the cases in our courts. They are there to relieve themselves from the oppression of the rich. That is the reason they must not be in support for the rich to oppress the poor. If they do, it means the essence of the poor seeking for justice is defeated courtesy of them. 

20. If they should understand the secret mentioned above. They will always want to go for the cases whose plaintiff is the poor.  Because such cases always reveal the factuality embedded in them, and give a good lawyer an opportunity to win. Unless he just wants to compromise the judgment to get money from the rich. But on this, you must advise them never to compromise for the sake of their names and the names of the families they come from.

21. You must tell them in the early period in their career, they should focus on the cases that involve the poor against the rich. This will expose them to sound lawyers that would be hired by the rich. But they will have an advantage because of the merit of the case. This will also project them to  the opportunity available in the job.

22. That’s not to say they should ignore cases from the rich. The point is that if they can with cases for the poor against the rich. There would be no case that would be so difficult for them to handle in the court. 

23.  Inform them to aspire to win cases early in their careers. The early stage is for them to make names for themselves by winning their cases. When they succeed in making the name, money will come. That is one of the secrets of becoming popular as a lawyer. 

24. Warn them strongly  to cancel the idea of making money at an early age in their career.  If they want to start with the intention of making quick money, they will fail. That is what most lawyers have failed to know. 

25. Tell them that every good lawyer must continue to read. Not only law books, but logic as well. That thing that is called “common sense”;  they shouldn’t joke with it. These are strong weapons for a lawyer who is determined to excel in his career. From time to time they should apply it in the court.

26. Tell them not to be involved in the delaying of cases in the court, just to keep collecting money from their clients. Such an act is unethical for a lawyer to do. Though it will bring money, but the repercussion is there. It will come in a manner that they least expect.

27..When you advise them don’t fail to add; that they should not accept to be hired by a robber and a killer against their victims. Let them know that they may win the case, but they will lose their humanity because of that. They should know that the only thing that makes us humans is the humanity in us.

28. Teach them that the idea of “humanity” lies in the sustenance and the preservation of the lives of all human beings. Which is why they should not defend those who intentionally terminate a life. 

29. You must tell them that human life is the most sacred of all. Those who intentionally terminate life should not be defended by them. They should understand that a person who kills someone can kill anyone, and that a killer of one is a killer of all. That’s why we say that the destruction of one human being amounts to the destruction of humanity. Warn them not to be a party to that.

30. Be sincere enough to tell them not to defend a Kidnapper and those who are terrorizing the state. They should not give the wicked the opportunity to be happy that they have people who will defend their case.  Let them know that though they may be celebrated in the Court room for winning the case, in the court of nature they are accomplices  in the case. The punishment for the offender, they will share in it. That is why they must be conscious of who they defend.

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