The story is told of TRUTH and FALSEHOOD.
According to the story, one day, truth and falsehood went out for swimming competition. Both of them removed their clothes and entered the water for the competition.
After a while, unknown to truth, falsehood secretly went out of the water and carried truth’s clothes and clothed with it and started parading itself as truth.
People all over thought that falsehood was the truth, and they started believing anything falsehood says because it appeared in the clothing of truth.
When truth realized that falsehood has taken its clothes, truth quickly ran out of the water naked and did not want to deceive people by wearing falsehood clothes because it was truth. Naked truth went out in search for falsehood to collect back its clothes.
Anywhere it goes, people ran away from it because it was naked. Even when it tried to explain itself that it is the real truth, people did not believe it. They disliked associating with it because they thought lt was lying. So they took it as falsehood.
There was no place falsehood did not enter while in truth’s clothing. People did not care to listen to truth any more. Except for the selected few who were wise. The wise ones payed attention to naked truth and finally realized that it was the real truth. But this time, truth in its very nature (naked). And not a clothed truth.
Because of the overwhelming rejection by the majority of the people, naked truth went into hiding and only made itself available to the few wise ones who cared to listen to naked truth.
Truth was no longer attractive to the majority of the people because it was naked. Truth was no longer sweet, but bitter. Anytime the naked truth goes out with the few wise ones to convince people to believe in it, people will not want to listen to what actually happened because it was no longer attractive to the people as it used to be.
Because of the pressure that was mounted by the few wise ones on the people to accept the naked truth, people started hating both the naked truth and those who promoted it. Today, the people who know the naked truth and say it are suffering in the midst of those who are celebrating falsehood as truth.
That was how humanity losses the truth for falsehood. And that is why most people till now listen and believe the falsehood than how they believe the truth.
If you want to know the naked truth, be patient enough to listen to all the parties involved in the matter to the end, and do not be too fast to pass judgment when you have not heard from all the parties.
Until all parties are taken into respective considerations, enquiry is incomplete.
(Anonymous) Re-narrated by Michael Eneyo