Why I prefer Village to the City is the fact that Village makes us get closer to the natural environment in which the secret of longevity of human life lies. The City is characterized with the artificial and fake things; hence leading us to our early graves. This is one of my problems with the concept of modernity. – Michael Eneyo.
No matter the level of your anger with your friend, never expose the secret he/she shared with you when the going was smooth. Quarrel is a good time to know those who are mature in reasoning and the friends who don’t betray trust. – Michael Eneyo.
Irrespective of the number of housemaids you may have, let your little girl take part in the cooking. Teach her how to sweep, wash plates and how to do other domestic duties, that will not stop her from being your PRINCESS. – Michael Eneyo.
There are so many families without a home. While family gives you a unique identity, home is a place where family is supposed to live in peace, join hands in the business of building a beautiful home for your family. – Michael Eneyo.
Bad friends will want you to fail before they advise. While good friends will advise you so that you will not fail. – Michael Eneyo.
Any friend whose attitude is to criticize everything your housemaid does anytime he/she comes to your house, be careful of such a friend. Such are friends who look for high class relationships, they will not identify with you if your standard falls. ~Michael Eneyo
There is this set of people you should not accommodate in your house; those whose only reason for coming is to gossip about others.~Michael Eneyo
Those friends who tell you “you’re kind, if I were the one I will not tolerate it”, just be careful with them. They are home destroyers. If it happens to them, they will do nothing.~Michael Eneyo