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18 OF THE MICHAEL ENEYO’S QUOTES ON GOD/BELIEF (From the Eneyo’s quotes diary)

  1. Anytime they say: “I PROPHESY TO YOU”, I am always skeptical about it. The prophets of old used to say: “Thus says the Lord” or “It’s the Lord who speaks” or “the Lord has spoken”. Any spirit of “I” is a spirit of pride. – Michael Eneyo.
  2. Those who attained the level of enlightenment hardly get angry with someone’s negative actions. They see such actions as products of ignorant. – Michael Eneyo.
  3. When you choose Karma as your Chief Judge, you don’t need a lawyer to defend your case. – Michael Eneyo.
  4. The hypocrisy of the atheists: You didn’t see the beginning of the world, yet you believe that the world has its beginning, and you have not seen GOD, but say until you see Him before you believe in His existence. – Michael Eneyo.
  5. I came to understand that often times God speaks to us not from the mouth of the prophets, but from the mouth of the downtrodden and of those the world has rejected. – Michael Eneyo.
  6. Most of the miracles come when you are willing to share the little you have with those who are poorer than you are; there is no prayer point that is as effective as almsgiving. – Michael Eneyo.
  7. Religion supposed to be the route to enlightenment about the creator, but those who have become blinded because of religion is what I cannot explain. – Michael Eneyo.
  8. God’s throne is not built in the king’s palace, neither is it decorated in the home of the most powerful. The throne of God is erected in your heart, that you might approach Him at anytime of the day or night. – Michael Eneyo.
  9. A sound knowledge is that which leads us to knowing God more insightfully and not the one that makes us oppose His “Beingness” so vehemently. – Michael Eneyo.
  10. Thinking Deeper than normal: My struggle is NOT to make heaven, my struggle is to live a good life. But if the gate of heaven is open, I will not hesitate to walk in. – Michael Eneyo.
  11. I am very sure of a war that will never end in this world no matter the amount of prayers, scientific inventions, and governmental policies: it’s a war between the spirit and the flesh. – Michael Eneyo.
  12. God is so real for His existence to be doubted; every living being is a manifestation of His power. – Michael Eneyo.
  13. Material things are products of the spiritual; hence you cannot fully utilize the physical without being rooted in the metaphysical. – Michael Eneyo.
  14. The most difficult agreement to be kept is not the one made between husband and wife: It is the agreement made between our spirit and our flesh. Most of our problems are caused by the inability of our spirit and flesh to honor the agreement they jointly made. – Michael Eneyo.
  15. There is an enduring battle between life and death. When life leaves the battle ground, the result is death, and when death leaves, we call it life. Everyone is in-between life and death. – Michael Eneyo.
  16. If you see your wealth as a gift from God. Then use it to the glory of His name. – Michael Eneyo.
  17. They asked if I have given my life to Jesus (God) and I told them that I had never collected it from Him before. My life has always been in God’s hands. – Michael Eneyo.
  18. It’s not witches and wizards that are the reasons for your backwardness. The real demons troubling you are your negative thoughts and false beliefs. – Michael Eneyo.

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