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  1. Our fore parents were of the belief that the responsibility of training a child was too much to be left in the hands of the biological parents alone. But today, the parents believe that the pains of child bearing is too much for another person to be allowed to beat or correct their children even when they go wrong. – Michael Eneyo.
  2. Learn to make your children to be happy when you’re with them: play with them and catch fun. They aren’t your slaves to be living in perpetual fear when you’re around, so stop acting as a slave master to the children you supposed to be a loving parent to. – Michael Eneyo.
  3. If you want to experience your heaven here on earth as some are doing, make your family to be as sweet as how you present it on social media with much love between husband and wife. If it’s opposite of the way you present, then you have already tested how it is to be in hell. – Michael Eneyo.
  4. If you want to live long on earth, make your home a pleasant place to be. Home is the source of strength and sound health. If you destroy it, you have destroyed your life. – Michael Eneyo.
  5. No matter how rich you are or claim to love your female child, teach her how to do some homechores, especially how to cook. These are some of the things that keep men at home, not your beautiful long nails that cannot even fry an egg. – Michael Eneyo.
  6. Don’t gossip others in the presence of your children, else they think gossiping is one of the noble things to do. – Michael Eneyo.
  7. If she comes laughing or sighing when nothing actually happens, know that the hour of her gossip has come. – Michael Eneyo.
  8. Slay Queen without a King is a scam. – Michael Eneyo.
  9. Any woman who cannot keep her small apartment tidy while she’s still single will never make a good wife. If you like call yourself “Slay Queen”, you will hardly have a palace. But don’t forget that every Queen ought to live in a palace with a King. – Michael Eneyo.
  10. If a child willingly takes tasking assignment that seems to be more than what he can handle, don’t be quick to stop him from doing it, but be at a close watch to ensure he’s not being hurt in the course of doing it. You can’t tell if there’re difficult times awaiting him of which he is now practicing how to handle them when they come. This is part of the secrets of how nature works, so don’t interrupt nature. – Michael Eneyo.
  11. When your children are discussing among themselves, pretend as if you’re not listening to them. From your constant listening to the way they talk and by observing the kinds of things they do, you will know the real professions and the kind of courses they should study in school in order to maximize the talents in them. Always pay attention to the activities of your wards. – Michael Eneyo.
  12. When you’re so strict with your children, you’re helping to kill their potentials, while at the same time instilling the spirit of timidity in them. Always give them opportunity to express their “true selves”. Their talents can only be fully manifested in an enabling environment, and the parents are the best people to create such an environment. – Michael Eneyo.
  13. If an elderly person beats or corrects your child wrongly, don’t be so fast to rebuke or condemn the person in the presence of your child; send your child away and caution the person. This was one of the noble and ethical traditions in the ancient time that made younger ones not to abusively challenge their elders in the public. – Michael Eneyo.

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