During an interview session with Augustus Chukwu, he said: “We are not used to people who talk about fear.” To this utterance I add: “It is not everyone who discusses the phenomena of fear that approaches it in a better perspective as Eneyo has done.” It takes a great ability to view through the fearological-spectrum for such a voyage to be fruitful. But here, we can see that such an intellectual journey has been successfully embarked upon by Eneyo. This journey titled PHILOSOPHY OF FEAR: A MOVE TO OVERCOMING NEGATIVE FEAR is so fruitful such that its contribution (s) cannot be easily crashed off intellectually. His subtle criticism and attempt at reconciling some conflicting ideas in the field of fearism is a good meditation.

Chairman Fearism Studies in Africa and founder of The Penlords, Fearologist, Philosopher and Administrator. Author of Conquering the Beast Fear: A Philosophical Cum
Approach, and The First Stage of the Fearologist
The central message of this work is the need to unravel the reality of fear, situating it in humanity’s existential struggle and proffering possible way(s) of understanding and overcoming negative fear. The author also addresses how one can use the stumbling block; fear as a stepping stone to success. In contemporaneous times, characterized by so many fear factors coming from human, nature and through some of our category misplacement, this book serves as an antidote that will help in oiling our existence as we continue to struggle in
making life more meaningful. I applaud this great fearologist for this wonderful impact.
Chairman Fearism Studies in Africa and founder of The Penlords, Fearologist, Philosopher and Administrator. Author of Conquering the Beast Fear: A Philosophical Cum
Approach, and The First Stage of the Fearologist