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This is what I told him:

  1. Develop the attitude of asking questions about everything, including the things you think you know. The more you ask questions the more you get closer to the truth about them.
  2. Be slow in passing judgement on others. Always remember that until all the parties in a matter are heard, enquiry is incomplete.
  3. Always remember that everyone sees things from their unique perspectives and that the best judgement is when you judge after considering the other person’s perspective, and not just yours.
  4. Enroll in philosophy department in the university for professional tutorage.
  5. Never argue to win, but argue to learn from the superior argument.
  6. Don’t be bias in your judgement and avoid being dogmatic.
  7. Never stop learning and don’t fail to make reading a culture.
  8. Don’t be in the habit of following the “majority”. Understand that most times, majority are not always the wise. Learn to have an independent mind even if it means standing alone, especially when pursuing a just course.
  9. Understand that philosophers are lovers of truth and not those who don’t believe in God. It’s a wrong definition of who a philosopher is.

10, Make friend with philosophers, especially those whose philosophy you admire.

  1. Don’t be too emotional, be guided by sound reasoning.
  2. Don’t forgive when you should punish and don’t punish when you should forgive.
  3. Extreme is bad, so avoid going to the extreme in your dealings.
  4. Be principled and never fail to keep to a promise. Know that you have a name to protect.
  5. Know when to tell the truth and when to be silent about truth, but avoid telling lies.
  6. Always have what you believe in. Your belief is your source of strength.
  7. Always remember that you are a philosopher. So live your life as if every of your action is a rule you are making for people to follow.

18. Never forget that as a philosopher, you are a king. Therefore, move about as if you are a King/Queen of a kingdom that is desiring for peace, unity, and love. So always treat yourself as a King/Queen.

  1. Never sell your conscience for money or wealth. Your conscience is you, if you sell it, you have sold yourself.
  2. Don’t claim to know more than everyone else. People know things differently.
  3. In any of your fights, always ensure that you fight to live and never fight to die. It’s only the living that will sing the victory songs.
  4. Don’t forget that there’s a Being of which every other being comes from, search for that Being.

With the above key points, you will become, not just a philosopher, but a very good philosopher.

       Michael Eneyo

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