- Stop telling me you love me; show me that you love me. It is only in action can one know what love is. – Michael Eneyo.
2, Money shouldn’t stop anybody from loving, but when you have money, don’t fail to spend with those you love. – Michael Eneyo.
- If you want to win loyalty; use love. It is only those who don’t love that use force. – Michael Eneyo.
- Don’t seek loyalty through the use of force; true loyalty is achieved through love and never by force. – Michael Eneyo.
- You cannot love without giving. Love is manifested in giving. – Michael Eneyo.
- When you love for a particular reason apart from the reason to love, it’s no longer love, but an expression of selfish interest. The reason you should love is to love for the sake of love. – Michael Eneyo.
- Just like the three primary colors (Red, Blue, and Yellow) that cannot be gotten from the mixture of any other color. No other word can adequately explain what love is except the word ‘love’. – Michael Eneyo.
- Don’t be carried away by praises; nobody loves you for nothing. Everybody loves for interest. – Michael Eneyo.
- A sincere love is the highest form of sacrifice, and it is only a few that can offer it without complaints. – Michael Eneyo.
- There is one constitution we must ensure we adopt; the constitution of love for all. – Michael Eneyo.
- Anyone who claims to love you and still remain rigid in his/her dealings with you is a liar. There’s no rigidity in love. – Michael Eneyo.
- True love changes all rules. – Michael Eneyo.
- When we talk of complementary living between couples, it also includes husbands helping in cooking at home when the need arises, while wives should also pay the children’s school fees if the “husbands” hands have “failed”. There’s no law that forbids them from these. – Michael Eneyo.
- The only language of love is love. – Michael Eneyo.
- Love multiplies through love. – Michael Eneyo.
- True reward of love comes at the time you least expect that someone can be rewarded because he loves. – Michael Eneyo.
- Love is a spiritual farm; anyone who plant in the farm of love, will never be stranded in life. – Michael Eneyo.