The complexity of reality in human mind has led to our coexistence becoming polemic. However, this work, Philosophy of Unity: Love as an Ultimate Unifier by Michael B. Eneyo is an x- ray that clears the knot in our minds so that we can find purposeful meaning in life that is characterized by differences. For him (Michael), the differences or diversities we find in existence shouldn’t bring about disintegration but unity because for him, they are unifiers. He did this by dissecting the historical excursus of unity to prove his point. Building on this backdrop, this work stands to prove that the advert of globalization depicts that no one or group or society or tribe, etc, is self-sufficient. Hence, the call for unity becomes a necessity.

Award winning Fearism Author I speaker,
Founder ofPenlord and TAFFDs
Nevertheless, there are many impediments for the institutionalization of this unity especially praxis wise. According to this book, fear is the chief of them all, because it brings about mistrust. The existential notion of “the Other and the Look” and “I and Thou” becomes a joke. And so, society begins to disintegrate and degenerate. So, living in an inauthentic way becomes the way forward which without any fear of equivocation will lead humanity into doom. Amidst these, Eneyo in this work, constantly advocates and rings the bell for humanity to use love so as to find meaning in the Other.
This well-articulated book is a must read for the revolutionist, freedom fighters, lovers of life and all religious leaders. It is a helpmate to fanatism of any kind.
Finally, I recommend this book to groups, countries with many religions, tribes or ethnic groups for peaceful coexistence. I applaud Michael B. Eneyo for this wonderful antidote to disintegration.
Osinakachi Akuma Kalu
Award winning Fearism Author I speaker,
Founder ofPenlord and TAFFDs